Monday, September 14, 2009

Where Can We Find Him ?

Where Can We Find Him ?

Where can we find the Holy One ?
Where can we see His only Son ?
The Wise Men asked , and we’re asking still ,
Where can we find this Man of goodwill ?
Is He far away in some distant place ,
Ruling unseen from throne of grace ?
Is there nothing on earth man can see
To give him proof of eternity ?

It’s true we have never looked on God’s face ,
But likeness shines forth from every place ,
For the hand of God is everwhere
Along life’s busy thoroughfare ,
And His presence can be felt and seen
Right in the midst of our daily routine ,
The things we touch and see and feel
Are what make God so very real .
Jan Bagwell

I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station , through which God speaks to us every hour ,if we only tune in.