Tuesday, September 1, 2009

God’s most Amazing Grace

If there had been another way ,
Do you think He would have died
No other man could take his place ,
Not even if one tried .

God did not ask for volunteers ,
But even if He had ,
Would you have said ,” Take me instead ?”
Folks would have thought you mad .

None of us was good enough,
To take His place upon that cross ,
None of us was rich enough ,
To have paid that high a cost .

It’s hard to believe a loving God ,
Would sacrifice His Son
But it had to be that way , you see ,
He was the only One

He took our sin along with Him ,
As directed from above ,
None of us so generous ,
We would offer that much love ,

He said He would leave the tomb ,
He would ascend to heaven ,
Three days later He was gone,
Hallelujah ! He was Risen !

Brother , you could not substitute
You could not take his place ,
He took yours-the only way ,
God Most Amazing Grace !!!

God Bless you my friend
jan Bagwell