Sunday, June 21, 2009

Though I walk Through the Shadow of Death

Though I Walk Through The Shadow of Death

I still remember that day. I was home with my husband and we
had a visitor. We heard a knock. I went to open the door and
standing there was a friend of mine who stayed in the same
building as ours.

I thought it was a normal visit but to my surprise she started
crying. Many thoughts went through my mind. What has happened?
Is it death in the family? I just couldn't figure out until she
started to narrate a terrible ordeal that she had just gone

She told us that three gunmen attacked her in the safety of her
own home. They wanted to rape her but they did not. They
however, managed to tie her up and steal electronic gadgets from
her flat.

She was so afraid and shaken. I still remember how angry I
became. Just a week before I had fasted with her in prayer for
her protection. It was just like my prayers were redundant. I
became so angry with God, at the time I felt so afraid, so

I thought that if God did not hear my prayer for her then how
assured can I be that he will hear any of my prayers. How
assured could I be that Psalm 91, which I always speak over my
family's life, is true?

In the days that followed, fear gripped me like never before.
The thought of waking up in the morning and going out scared me.
A knock on the door pushed me to the edge. Every time I looked
at a person I kept on thinking they may attack me.

I was almost at the brink of losing my faith. Then I read
issue, "Call Grace." That day I went home, sat on my
couch and started thinking. In my Christian walk I have gone
through a lot. Why is it that this situation has shaken me so
much to the point of almost losing faith?

I realized that all I saw was that moment. I never dared to
look at the bigger picture. I never dared to thank God that my
friend was not harmed. I never dared to thank God that her life
was spared in the ordeal. I realized that this was God's way of
showing me that on my own I am vulnerable.

It was His way of teaching me to trust Him even in the hardest
situations, and that for me was a Moment of faith.

Though I will walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil. Even though the devil sends his arrows my
way, I know for sure he will not succeed to destroy my faith.

I now have learned that whether we are on top of the mountain or
down in the valley, God will still be God. Through these
lessons, I have courage to wake again and face everyone with a
smile on my face and most of all to trust in Him at all cost.
Thank you , Brother Jan Bagwell , for your words of wisdom ,
Please never stop writing !
Original by Grace Kumwenda, South Africa~