Friday, May 8, 2009

Thank You Lord

Thank you for sharing , Melvina , Please if you have a Praise Report share it with others .Your letter was blessing.

Lord today I'll tell you a true story of a friend who had
lost his way, but reality took it's place when a light shone
bright on his face.

He woke from a life of fog and haze, of strange smoke
and booze, gambling for days.

Oh Lord, he spoke of troubling times but couldn't remember
where or when, he said 30 years later I opened my eyes and
wondered where I've been.

The good news Lord is your light shone through and now he's
so aware of you.

Many times I've knelt upon my knees and prayed he would surely
see the light.

Today my prayers have been answered Lord for now he has you
and Jesus in his sight.

I thank you Lord for answering my prayers of which I knew you heard,
but realized that in your time you would have the final word.

The word is good and the word is true and the word will set us free,
so I'll continue Lord on bended knee to worship and praise thee.

Thank you Lord for being there to guide and see him through, thank you precious Lord for simply being you.

In the name of your son Jesus, Amen

Written by: Melvina Germain
