Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Is the American Church the "Frog in the Kettle"?...Continued from page 2

I am hopeful that these present times will motivate the truly regenerate Christ followers to overcome in faith. I am also persuaded that many who have attached themselves to the church in America in a spirit of convenience or entertainment will fall by the wayside.

Finally, I am reminded of Christ's story of the persistent widow in Luke 18:1-8 who serves as an example of His command that we should always pray, and not lose heart (v. 1). At the end of that passage He asks a penetrating and truly relevant question: "Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?" In context, this faith is marked by a persevering prayerfulness.

These are the times that challenge us to consider the seriousness of that question and, by grace, to respond with a resounding "yes." May the Lord find us always praying, persevering, and trusting that the overcoming power of faith in His Gospel and His presence within us will make the difference in these defining moments for our lives, families, and nation.