Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Easter Trilogy: 3: Easter Day

Tell me, sir, where is my Lord, for they have taken him away,
Said Mary Magdalene before the dawning of the day,
And I know not where they've laid him, - sir, with him what have you done?
Mary, soft said the risen Christ and Everlasting Sun.

A week ago they raised for me the great 'Hosanna' cry -
These were the men who not long since condemn'd this Man to die -
But I have conquered Death, and I have gained for Man the key
To everlasting joy for him beyond eternity.

Behold, mankind, what God will dare to undertake for you;
What Man will undertake - the selfsame Man that mankind slew:
Behold the wonder: Christ rose after suff'ring cross and scourge:
The work of none but God, a most Almighty Thaumaturge.

Despair no more, O man, for your scarce revocable loss
Has been atoned: 'twas not for Christ Christ died upon a cross:
Hear Jesus' words, listen to them: 'Poor sinner, follow me
To everlasting life, my friend, for I have made you free.'