Friday, December 5, 2008

A man’s spirit sustains him in sickness, but a crushed spirit who can bear?

--Proverbs 18:14

During World War II, a woman took her two little children to visit her parents in Texas because her husband was stationed in Europe. As they got ready for Christmas?setting the tree up, putting the presents out, and preparing dinner?they were experiencing the joy of Christmas, almost forgetting the worry of war. But no sooner had the fun began, than the family heard a dreaded knock on the door and received a terrible telegram greeting.

The young mother had to tell her children that Daddy wouldn’t be coming home for Christmas…ever. And then she went up to her room to weep alone. Her parents debated and finally decided to take down the Christmas decorations and put the presents away. When the young lady came downstairs, she immediately saw the empty spot. She exclaimed, “Mother, what have you done?”

Her mother replied, “You’re so broken-hearted, so your father and I decided this is not the time for Christmas.”

The new widow said, “Oh no, mother, bring it all back. Christmas was made for times such as these.”

Many people have overwhelming problems which make it hard to get excited about the holidays whether they be financial difficulties, physical ailments, loneliness, or emotional pain from the loss of a loved one. Christmas is certainly not about the presents, lights, and decorations, but it is surely a time when we can lean on the goodness of God and rejoice in Christ’s birth.

Try serving someone else this season and God will bless you (see Acts 20:35). Jesus came to this earth to serve others and to give His life for you (see Mark 10:45). Among all of the other difficulties this time of year, that is reason to celebrate!

PRAYER CHALLENGE: Amidst difficulties this season, praise God and thank Him for His many blessings and salvation.