Tuesday, December 30, 2008



When Queen Elizabeth was crowned they brought to her a sceptre. On the top of it was the Star of Africa, the largest diamond in the world. Before that they brought to her a staff. On the top of that staff was a dove, a symbol of their prayer that the Holy Spirit would be her guide. But before that they brought to her a ring, like a wedding ring. It symbolized the union between the queen and her people. But before that they brought to her an orb. It was a globe of the world made of solid pure gold. And over it there was a cross. It said, even to the queen, "It is Christ who rules the world. It is not you, nor any other mortal. It is Christ who rules the world!" When Peter and John used this verse to defend their right to preach, they went on to say, "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under Heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved," (Acts 4:12). Christ stands in an absolutely exclusive position. No one can take His place!
