Sunday, November 23, 2008

Life {2}

"The LORD is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him." Nahum 1:7 NIV

Thoughts for Today
If you were traveling on an airplane, who would you want in control of flying the plane: a trained pilot … or a six-year-old child?

If you were having surgery, who would you want to be in control of the surgery: a doctor … or a gourmet chef?

If you need help for your life, who would you want to be in control: Almighty God who created all things and is all-knowing and all-powerful and loves you unconditionally … or you, the created?

Kind of puts things in perspective, doesn't it?

Our world is in turmoil today. Wars, terrorists and famines. Traditional values being turned upside down. Horrific crimes. Financial ups and downs. But amid the turmoil is a place of security. Of indescribable peace. That place of refuge is in Jesus.

Consider this…
If you are already trusting Jesus to be in control of your life, continue standing fast and strong. The turmoil around us will continue and is likely to grow, but Jesus will always be greater.

"Because of Christ and our faith in him, we can now come boldly and confidently into God's presence." Ephesians 3:12 NLT

Jesus, thank you for providing a place of safety and peace in the middle of chaos. I want to trust you as Lord of my life and experience the peace that only you can give.