Friday, October 10, 2008

Wisdom of Psalm

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.

Bruce lay in the mud waiting for an enemy to pass by and put him out of his misery, or an ally who would give him aid. The jungle sounds pounded in his ears, and the glare of the sun blinded him. Evening fell, turned to night, and all Bruce could do was wait. With the morning light, Bruce squinted to see if he could make out any landmarks to give him an idea of where he was. As he scanned the horizon, his heart leapt with joy. A familiar flag waved gently in the breeze as a battalion approached. The waiting was almost over, and the fear was gone.
We wait in this life, not sure of what is coming next. The options don't look promising, but we can rejoice in the fact that our Lord is coming to set all things right. His banner is ever out before Him, and as we look unto the hills of the new age to come, we cannot help but notice that God is there waiting for us. Where does our help come from? It comes from the Lord God, who created, who sustains, and who will redeem.


Lord, make all things new. Usher in a new age; an age of love and caring, an age of compassion and equality. Thank You for granting me Your strength. Amen.