Monday, October 27, 2008

Life Generosity

Life Generosity

He was very very rich.
In a mansion there he lived.
But for homeless people he never shared an inch.

He ate the best delicious food.
About hungry people he never understood.
For giving food to them, he had no interest or mood.

He bought and wore the best designer clothes.
In his wardrobe was a big horde.
The poor families wearing thin clothes,
by the fireside snuggled up very close.
The icy cold wind caused their blood almost frozen.
To their plight he turned a very cold shoulder.

He travelled in a private jet,
symbolizing his enormous wealth.

All the luxuries he enjoyed,
until one day he died.
Leaving all his belongings his soul went to Heaven Gate,
where St Peter decided his fate.
He reviewed his record of charity,
and shook his head slowly and sadly.
saying ' You didn't fulfill the need of people in poverty,
You didn't taste Salt Of Life a pleasure in giving with Generosity.