Thursday, October 2, 2008

God’s Purpose for the Ungodly

The Lord’s crucifixion is the most dreadful event described in the pages of Scripture. The Son of God, Jesus Christ, was brutalized, nailed to a cross, and left to died. Yet this agonizing and heartbreaking event was part of a plan God orchestrated even before He created mankind.

The Lord’s willingness to work through ungodly people is one aspect of the story which may seem difficult to understand. But God used the hypocritical Pharisees and the corrupt Roman government to play key roles in the redemption of His children.

Ungodly people served as tools in the plan, but God remained in complete control throughout. As Peter said in Acts 2:23, Jesus was “delivered up by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God.” Long before Jesus arrived on earth, the Father knew His Son would sacrifice His life for the salvation of mankind.

God used man’s jealousy, pride, fear, and evil to bring about the death of His own

Son. And … to make eternal life possible for us all. Acts 4:27-28 says the actions of Herod, Pilate, and the people of Israel were determined beforehand according to God’s will.

At times, life can appear random. But we must remember that even when the world seems out of control, God is completely in control. Not one event, not even the death of His Son, is outside of His domain of control. If the Lord can work through unbelievers, what incredible works can He accomplish through those who call him Father?