Monday, June 16, 2008

Thanksgiving and Praise

”Come to worship him with thankful hearts and songs of praise.” Psalm 95:2 CEV

Thoughts for Today
Thanksgiving is recognition of what God has done. Praise is linked to who God is.

As we thank God for specific blessings, we gain a better perspective of his character … and then can more fully praise him for who he is.

Thanksgiving says, “Lord, I thank you for healing me of cancer.” Praise says, “Lord, thank you because you are my Healer.”

Thanksgiving says, “Lord, thank you for comforting me when I suffered that loss.” Praise says, “Lord, thank you because you are my Comforter.

Thanksgiving says, “Lord, thank you for helping me pay that bill.” Praise says, “Lord, thank you because you are my Provider.”

And so, dwelling on our blessings and thanking God for what he has done help us grow in knowledge of who he is. As we praise him for who he is, our relationship with him and our trust in him are strengthened.

Consider this…
What challenges or problems are you facing today?

The more you recognize God’s blessings and thank him, the more you can grow in your understanding of his character. Along with this growth of understanding comes a strengthening of faith.

As you prepare to ask God to meet your need, first meditate on all he has done for you in the past. Thank him for each thing that comes to mind. Don’t rush this time of thanksgiving. Let the thanksgiving naturally flow into praising him for who he is. You will find as you do this, that your faith will be strengthened. You will be more able to trust God and to believe that he will meet your present need.

Lord, I do thank you for all you have done for me. Praise you for your faithfulness. You have always met my needs. Sometimes you met them in a different way and time than I had asked, but your way and your time have always proved to be the best way and time. Help me to trust you and your plan for this present need. In Jesus’ name …