Monday, May 12, 2008

Scripture Text: 2 Chronicles 26:4-21
Theme: Pride

Years ago while I was visiting large locate church, I found myself talking with a leader of a large Christian organization. We were together for a short period of time, and after a few minutes, he smiled and said, “Jan , we’re at the top of our game. No one is doing what we have done. We’re the leader, and I don’t think anyone can catch us.” Immediately my heart sank ? not because they wanted to be number one, but because I could sense God saying, “Don’t ever let that idea cross your mind.”

At that moment, it felt as though the Lord had sent an arrow straight into my heart. I knew exactly what He was saying to me. Pride brings destruction, and it does not belong in the life of a believer. At least, not the kind of pride that lifts self up and fails to glorify and honor God. Perhaps this man did not recognize what he had said. Or it may have been that God wanted to send a word of cau­tion to me. Regardless, pride can and does explode God’s plan for our lives.

Many times, we begin our Christian walk well. Our focus is set on God, and our hearts are fully committed to Him. Then without warning, pride begins to rise up, pre­venting us from being all God wants us to be by blinding us to His ways. It tempts us to believe that we know better than He does. If left unchecked, pride will alter our attitude toward God and the route He has chosen for us to take.

As believers, we need to be aware of Satan’s goal, which is to deeply wound and destroy the lives of God’s children. He never gives up on his quest to reach this goal and will wreak as much havoc as possible in the life of a believer.

Of all the struggles discussed in the book, pride is the one that has the most devastating results. Many of our problems result from pride’s work in our lives, but too many people fail to realize this. They become prideful over the good things God has given them ? jobs, children, churches, pastors, education, neighborhoods and much more.

God is very specific. He hates pride. In fact, it is at the top of His list of sins that He despises: “Pride and arrogance and the evil way…And the perverted mouth, I hate” (Prov. 8:13). The New International Version translates this bluntly: “I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech.”

Each morning, the enemy lays out his landmines in our lives. If we are not dis­cerning, we will fall prey to his tactics. The landmine of pride can tear a gaping hole in the life of the person who yields to its folly. It is one of Satan’s chief modes of opera­tion and favorite weapons of warfare because it tempts us to take our eyes off God and place them on ourselves.