Tuesday, April 1, 2008

It's About Time [ Page 5]

It’s About Time...Continued from page 4

“And now the harvest is past. Summer is gone. Still you are not saved. That day you drew an ‘X’ on the calendar – where you would finally make a decision – has come and gone. Still you are not saved. Now you are approaching graduation at the seminary and still you do not know.”
We couldn’t believe it, but he offered an invitation in Old Testament Prophecy class . He waved his hand and said, “Class is over, but I will not leave. The harvest is past. Summer is gone. Still some of you are not saved.” We sat in our chairs for a long time in quiet, not knowing what to do. Finally, one got up and walked down. Then there were two. We left that classroom quietly as we watched Dr. Francisco pray and talk to some of our colleagues who were finally making it sure for themselves.
Like you, I was brought to church as a little boy. Some of you were brought to church and never given a choice. You heard the sermons. You heard the songs. You said, “Someday I’ll make that decision, and that someday came.” Then something happened. You were distracted. It wasn’t a good time. So that day came and went.
You grew up in church, and always intended to do it. It would be the day when you got out of high school. You would mark the day on the calendar. “By this time I’m going to make that decision for Jesus Christ.” Now harvest is past, the summer gone, and still you are not saved.
You told the Lord, “Let me get through college, let me kind of find out who I am, then I will make that decision.” Now you have graduated from college. Harvest is past, summer gone and you still are not saved.
“Let me get in my job, let me get my marriage taken care of, let me get my first child raised, let me get this promotion taken care of.” Time after time you mark it on your calendar and you say to yourself, “That’s when I’ll make a decision.” Now that time has come, that time has gone, and still you are not saved. Harvest past, summer gone and still …
You think you will do it tomorrow, but tomorrow may not be yours. Tomorrow may not be yours.