Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Give a broken heart this day

Give a Broken Heart this Day

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.
Psalm 51:17

When we think of Valentine's Day we often think of hearts. If we are blessed, we think of the sweet love of someone dear. Others, however, mourn over a heart that has been broken.

How does our passion for God display itself?

Do we busy ourselves in Christian service?

Do we painstakingly count our tithe, making sure we give precisely ten percent and no more?

Do we wear the brazen Christian t-shirt so everyone will know we are a Christian?

How about my favorite: the fish symbol on the bumper that is attached to the speeding car that is cutting off other drivers.

Do we wear the amazingly popular WWJD wrist band in assorted colors?

We do, we say, we act, we show... but do we mourn?

Yes, mourn.

The American Heritage Dictionary defines contrite as, "Feeling regret and sorrow for one's sins or offenses; penitent."

We sometimes think that God delights solely in all our efforts and sacrifice. The psalmist paints a different picture, however. God delights in a broken and contrite heart.

I think sometimes we do all the other things so that we don't have to focus on our sin and how utterly broken we are. God sees through all of this and it saddens Him.

There is no amount of Christian service, tithes, or any other thing that will cover the sin that resides in our heart.

God doesn't want your chocolate hearts, your little candy hearts with endearing words, or even your food for the masses.

He wants a broken and contrite heart for Valentine's Day and every day.

Will you give it to Him?

Intersecting Faith & Life: Buy a chocolate heart. Take some time to consider the sins you have harbored in your life and scratch them into the chocolate. Break the heart as a symbol of your brokenness before the Lord.

Further Reading

James 5:16
1 John 1:9
The Believer's Repentance