Friday, January 18, 2008

God of My of soul , Lord of My Heart

God of My Soul, Lord of My Heart

Oh Lord, Jesus, my Saviour:
As you redeemed me of my soul,
I have strive to be one like You;
I have searched your presence
in every pages of my heart;
I have searched your power
in every pages of my spirit;
And all I have is You
in the deepest anchor of my own.
Oh Lord, Jesus, my Redeemer:
As you saved me from my sins,
I have strive to be one of your angels;
I have searched your voice
in every pages of my soul;
I have searched your loving heart
in every pages of my person;
And all I have is Faith
in the deepest anchor of my self.
Lord Jesus Christ:
God of my soul, Lord of my heart.