Monday, December 17, 2007

Blessed or Lucky

Blessed Or Lucky

Are you blessed or are you lucky?
When good things happen to you,
Does it really matter if there’s a difference?
As long as it goes through.

Have you ever seen someone do something stupid?
And say “that idiot” when they had to pay,
Only to remember when you did it,
Freely you had gotten away.

Was there ever a time you had too much to drink?
Under the influence and you couldn’t think?
Deciding to hit the road anyway,
Still can’t remember making it to the next day?

Reading the paper about these games people play,
Killing and injuring those who were in their way,
Shame, regret and sadness, hands covering the face,
Dear God, if I could only take the dead person’s place?

Yes, it could have been you,
Making the local and headline news,
With everyone saying “what a fool”,
What gives them the right to make hateful reviews?

Maybe thinking twice before you say?
What they could or shouldn’t have been doing that day,
How you’re glad you’ve never acted that way,
Instead of getting on your knees to give thanks and pray.

How often do you feel superior and overlook?
You should be the star of that negative book,
Reflecting on the bad things in your life you’ve done,
Wouldn’t doing them the right way have been just as much fun?

Now, you don’t have to look back with a tear in your eye,
Somberly saying if only I…
Do you really believe you’ve made it on your own?
Escaping time after time while being alone?

Don’t wait till you’ve come to the end of your rope,
While your soul is laid to rest,
To ask yourself this final question,
Am I lucky or am I blessed?

[Please I know when this Poem or song came to me it was for somebody ,Do not let that somebody, be you .] Jan bagwell 12\17/07 God Bless you!!