Friday, November 30, 2007

Jesus , Thank you

Jesus, Thank You

You are my rock when conviction seems so powerless.
You are my light when darkness seems so endless.
You are my sword when adversary strikes me.
You are my shield when uncertainty subdues me.

You showed me true love when hate consumes me.
You gave me strength when fear conquers me.
You encouraged me when I walked the extra mile.
You comforted me when I badly needed to smile.

You made me whole despite my emptiness inside.
You made me stand proud though I wanted to hide.
You made me understand things I couldn't find reason.
You made me appreciate life and its changing season.

You shared your life completely, that is beyond any measure
You offered a hand of friendship that I'll always treasure.
You taught me to have faith when there's nothing to hold on to.
You saved me Jesus, thank you for I'm nothing without you.