Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Jesus is the answer

Jesus Is The Answer

Do you question the things of Sorrow?
Have you thoughts of what brings tomorrow?
Do you lie awake a night with fears?
Have you shed many tears?
Do you ever feel so blue?
You do not know what to do?
Does you live feel empty too.

“Jesus Is The Answer”

He can make a moon turn to sunshine
He can make the stars shine aglow
Yes, he can heal a broken heart
This I surely know.

“Jesus Is The Answer”

He can do everything in gladness
Even if our lives seem with so much sadness

Yes, oh yes, when we have no more heartache
He has filled that empty hole
Faith within us glows

Yes, oh, yes, my friend
I will say it until my days will end
“Jesus Is The Answer”
He has taken away all my sin.