Monday, December 10, 2007

Blessed By The Word

Blessed By The Word

God blesses men with His Word, when The Living Truth is heard,
The hearts of eager men are spurred, at the reading of His Word.
Throughout His Word there is proof, of the Power of God’s Truth,
Even men who disdain The Truth, have seen His hand of reproof.

The Living Word is sharper than, a two-edged sword dear friend,
It changes the inner heart of men, leading many to a Godly end.
The Word of God can surely win, any heart that’s opposed in sin,
And The Word will change within, as you begin to walk with Him.

Friend no matter how you start, The Lord can change any heart,
Once you let Him in your heart, The Word of God will not depart.
The Word of God my dear friend, unlike the world will never end,
And all of eternity we will spend, with The Living Word my friend.

The Word of God changes your life, as you live for Jesus Christ,
Who gave Himself as a sacrifice, so men could have Eternal Life.
Christ is The Word my friend, although many didn’t comprehend,
When He came to dwell with men, coming down to be our friend.

You this day can have New Life, through The Lord Jesus Christ,
Who with His blood paid the price, as God’s redeeming sacrifice.
God will bless you for Eternity, believe in Christ and you will see,
When in The Word you believe, Eternal Life you will then receive.