Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Man forgets God ,But God reminds him

Man Forgets God, But God Reminds Him

When miracles, God does 'fore every eye,
And improves every state of gloom, despair;
To pray to God and thank Him, man asks why?
Until the moment, he hungers for air.

But God allows problems to seize a mind;
To warn a man, he'as gone astray from Him;
Reminding him, His commandments to bind
And make his soul better and look more trim.

All things will happen as per divine word,
And without God, no man achieves a thing;
We are his flock; He is our Good Shepherd;
He cares for us, expecting not a thing.
Why then do we forget the Mighty God,
And knowing fully well, we are just clod!