Tuesday, November 13, 2007

God's loving and forgiving enshroudmental Quilt

God's Loving And Forgiving Enshroudmental Quilt.

I've been put on earth in this life to play upon God's mortal infested playground...
To go full steam forward and conquer all obsticles of sin that were placed at my feetal mound.

How may I to win on this spherical ball of dirt? ...
Each and every day spent is lined with soulful hurt.

I can't wait to join in the other side...
A place by God and Jesus Christ without pain from this empty unjacketed life and soon to be free to flee and hide.

At last I'll be where there is only eternal rest of happy peace...
All earthly suffering where unsorrowful displeasure will forever cease.

God's love will surround and envelope me in a protective enshroudmental quilt...
No more sin or unhappy guilt.

The sky will be filled with angels enjoying displayful rare saught after poems and art...
A last breath breathed from my once young but now, dying heart.

God will embrace and hold us all...
To his flock, by his loving peace filled forgiving tranquil call.

Amen! ...
I say again! ...