Friday, October 12, 2007

God's Will and Plan

God's Will And Plan

God's Will And Plan

From out of the thought the universe came as an inclusive one
Life, lights and minds, to be shared by those who live under a sun.

The thought was formed with order and change according to a plan
Earth had various forms of life, along with the minds of a woman, and a man.

Life was to be a shared equal responsibility of both women and men
Children to be protected, provided for; and prepared; for their time of when.

The planet was given all that was necessary for life to survive
Mother Nature to do what was necessary, for humanity to stay alive.

Each child was to be protected until their minds energy was unique and one
Children are different yet the same, as each has a seed, 'waiting fo become'..

The cells of each body their destination accomplished by a key
The sense's to feed the mind and also its long and short-term memory.

Every cell of energy, matter and chemicals into a shape or a form
The umbilical chord is cut and another human is about to be born.

Fertilized egg into an embryo ithen a fetus and then a human form
A trimester of three to total nine, as the brain connects to process and inform..

Another seed to become a being worthy of the gift of earthly life and time
A human being of individual thought and value, as the continuity of our line.

Every child is a child of God on loan to us to protect, nurture and prepare
To raise each with love and be instilled, with the meaning of 'fair'.

Soon we will be gone and it will be their turn to be called grand
Humanity is an equally shared experience; between both woman and also man.