Friday, September 28, 2007

Joy of my soul

Joy of my Soul

Joy of my soul, Joy of my heart, You've given me love from the very start; In you I live, I move and I breathe ~To you my whole being does cleave.Joy of my soul, Joy of my spirit, Of goodness ~ may I be drawn near itAnd to all that is holy, right and true, May I ever be totally committed to you.Joy of my soul, Joy of my life, You are the Rock during all the strife.Many are the benefits you freely give; Because of you, I have the will to live.Joy of my soul, Joy of my heart, Let's assure one another, we'll never part.You are my Lord, my God, my All; I obey your statutes, I love your Law.Joy of my soul, Joy of my spiritAbsence from you, I surely would fear it.Never permit me to ever strayProtect me ever and always, I pray.Joy of my soul, Joy of my life, Sin pierces your heart ~ like a knife.You are The Lord of Lords and The King of Kings, O the JOY your Salvation brings.The battle for good and evil still wages, But You, O Lord, are JOY for all ages.Judgement day will soon arrive; The goats'll die and the sheep'll thrive. Please God ~ your faithful ones'll be alive.O Jesus, as Groom, you'll come for your BrideYou'll draw her very close to your sideEmbrace her with your arms open wideAnd together in Heaven forever abide.You, O Lord, are JOY for all ages.JOY, JOY, JOY! YOU are JOY for All Ages! ! !