Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Whatever your task , put yourselves into it .

Doing God's Work

Read Exodus 35:20 – 36:1

Whatever your task, put yourselves into it, as done for the Lord.

-Colossians 3:23 (NRSV)
RECENTLY our congregation celebrated a century of worshiping in our church building. Fifty years earlier, while the sanctuary was being renovated, some of the long beams supporting the roof needed to be replaced. A woodworker in the church fashioned new beams with intricate millwork, perfectly matching those from the original structure. During the worship service today, I looked at the beams, marveling at the skill required to do the work. I thought of the artisan who so wonderfully contributed to our building.

Most of us do not have the skill to accomplish feats such as that one, but we have other talents that God can use. Some of us visit the sick and the homebound. Others provide rides for older adults who need to shop, to see the doctor, or to attend church. Every church needs people to serve on committees. Some people have a knack for working with youth. Teachers, choir members, ushers, and nursery attendants play a vital role in the life of the church. Those who prepare food for the bereaved express God's care.

Each of us is given ways to do God's work, if we prayerfully listen for God's call and answer according to our abilities. All our gifts and service are valuable in the eyes of God.

Loving God, lead us to serve according to our talents so that we contribute to your kingdom. Amen.