Saturday, September 5, 2020

The root of the problem


The root of the problem

To maintain a beautiful garden
the weeds you'll have to pull
not only on the surface
but the roots deep down below.

To be a shinning servant
the sin will have to go
not only on the surface
but the heart deep below.

The Bible talks about bitterness
take a look at Hebrews 12::15
if that's the root of your problem
be assured your weeds can be seen.

Deep inside there's lots of anger
some bitterness and hate
as you confess all this to Jesus
weeds and roots he'll gladly take.

Friday, September 4, 2020

There Is No Want For Love


There Is No Want For Love

There is no want for love in the saviour
No lack nor hunger pang unmet will be
No sadness nor pain, of bittersweet flavour
Finds solace but blessing upon Calvary

Through vast distant years of time and space
The cross of Christ was lifted on high
The love of God speaks in every place
Declaring to mankind, "Salvation is nigh!"

By perfect atonement of death on a cross
His shedding of priceless, redeeming blood
All that was gain to Him, He counted loss
Purchased eternal life as Son of God

Such agony suffered in full sacrifice
He laid down His life so that many may live
Unloved and rejected, men Him did despise
Knew not the great pow'r of His love to forgive

Suff'ring and pain were the high price He paid
Deep sorrow and anguish He chose to endure
In truest expression unspoken, unsaid
In dying a pardon to us did secure

When the world suffers for want of love
Weary and hollowed men strive without cease
A heaven-blest answer to us from above
Is beauty and truth and unspeakable peace

This anthem of love shall sweetly resound
The people hear music the blessed shall sing
By laws of true kindness each man shall be bound
In loving each other show love for their king

All peoples of God, from each tribe and tongue
Rejoicing beneath the Majesty's throne
Bowing before Him in worship and song
Bonded in love and together made one

No faction or joint shall God's people divide
No sliver of doubt hinder our happy sight
All races, all peoples, all difference beside
In the cross children of God shall unite

There is no want for love in the saviour
No longing or hunger He need satisfy
No sadness we bear, as joyful we savour
For want of our love, God Him did crucify

Matthew 6:25-34 - verse 34 - But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Beneath That Old Cross


Beneath That Old Cross

Your grace draws me to You as I have observed.
But I linger often. It's so undeserved.
Your love overwhelms me, Your strength holds me tight,
forgiveness is calling but guilt is my plight.

Effects of my sins are embossed in hard stone.
I cannot undo them. I can't, not alone.
A carp without fin or a crow without wing,
I try as I might but can't fix anything.

Regret is the shadow I cannot outrun,
I cannot erase it or kill it with gun.
I cry for your blessings to shower as rain,
on those I have hurt so that peace they obtain.

Please hold them and guard them and don't let them fall,
then bless me with life that is pleasing to all.
Reminded of what I have put others through,
I so need forgiveness, but leave that to You.

I cry out in anguish. I cry out in shame.
I know life is real and cry out Your name.
Please shake me of old days and don't let them kill
a future of loving and doing 'Your will'.

Immersed in contrition as life goes along,
dear Lord, please forgive me for all I've done wrong.
Your grace, so sufficient, Your love, so immense,
was proven at Cal'vry at Your great expense.

Please bury my burdens and bury my guilt,
beneath that old cross where Your blood had been spilt.
Remembering all You still do from above,
my tears now replace these mere words with my love.

Monday, August 31, 2020

A Miracle Each Morning


A Miracle Each Morning

The beauty of the morning
With nature not quite awake
And the trees quietly yawing
While a gentle breeze shakes
And the leaves bravely winking
In the cool morning mist
Awakes a bird to singing
A song of praise on its lips
And in the hush of first rays
A morning sun gives light
Laying to bed the cooling haze
And a greeting from the night
But the greeting not a blaze
But in the calm of first light
The Creator introduces day
In the still quiet voice of His might

But mankind slowly arises
Not aware of the sight
But thinking of all he prizes
The new day becomes a fight
And not sure what he is missing
And why his life is not right
He stumbles as though listing
In an ocean fraught with fright
Because each morning he misses
The miracles which just might
Awaken all of his senses
To his infinite Maker's insight

1 Kings 19:1-18

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

 Removal of Your Dross

With removal of your dross,
comes a time of God's refinement.
It's when taking up your cross
is a tough and new assignment.
Yet the painful overwhelming,
with removal of your dross,
is an effort to rid something
in your life that's needing loss.
So when your heart feels cut across
and the openness revealing,
with removal of your dross,
know it's needful for your healing.
When the trial has concluded,
wipe the tears of shiny gloss.
Thankful future pain's eluded,
with removal of your dross.
dross • \DRAHSS\ • noun. 1 : the scum that forms on the surface of molten metal 2 : waste or foreign matter : impurity 3 : something that is base, trivial, or inferior.

Monday, August 24, 2020




Abraham heard the voice of God as He spoke from a bush aflame,
He said, "I am that I am. You shall know Me by this Name.
I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.
Your Creator, Father, Savior, as well as faithful Friend.
I am the Vine and you the branch, if you abide in Me,
Eternal life is given to you, for My blood has set you free.
Only the Name of Jesus can unlock heaven's door,
And allow you entrance to the Paradise hoped for.
My return is fast approaching, the day of the Lion and Lamb.
So be ready to receive me, I am the Great I Am!"

Sunday, August 23, 2020


A Song

I’ve a word, yet unheard,
on the tip of my tongue.
Hope to soon add a tune,
for it’s meant to be sung.
Though it’s late, still I wait
for the splinter of time
when a note, what I wrote,
meet in musical rhyme.

Then I sigh, “How can I
form a song to convey?”
Here and now I will bow,
meet the Lord as I pray.
I’ll inquire, He’ll inspire
like He’s done all along.
With a note, what we wrote,
We’ll compose such a song.

Sounding sweet with a beat,
rap-a-tap on the drum.
Chorus sings, hear the strings
and the chords being strum.
Strike the keys, ivories;
play like never before.
Let the sound so resound
that our spirits will sour.

What’s the chance we could dance
when immersed in this song?
Who could say if we sway
our expression is wrong?
Don’t be coy, it’s our joy
breaking free of restraint.
Risen arm, what’s the harm
in a worshiping saint.

A single tear then finds its way along
The corner of my eye and down my face,
For through the words and music of this song
I clearly see my Saviors’ wondrous grace..